Hello readers and welcome to our first official post!
What I am about to share with you may be the most important post on this blog, how to cure your boredom while on the road.
We will explore many ideas on this topic throughout the course of this blog, but I think todays is the most important. Before you take that first step out the door into the world take a look around and ask yourself two questions "What are my interests?" and "Is there any viable way to make money on the road with this talent?' As you contemplate these questions, let me bring you a little farther into the van (I know it sounds creepy but bare with me). Our two main sources of income on the road are Lady DyMe's jewelry stand which she runs right out of the back of the van.
Where as I do computer repair in the van to remote locations or on location in peoples homes. Now we also have other options as well, as DyMe is an awesome cook we could just as easy convert the van into a burrito truck (we are currently looking into the viability of that). So remember your options are only limited to your own talents and depending on what type of property your parked on you could be subject to local laws or land owners.
It is also important to remember not to get frustrated, your first few attempts to make money may seem like a failure but you might just be in the wrong place on the wrong day.
Never "I repeat" NEVER argue with a land owner or officer of the law if you are asked to stop or leave the property. You can't make any money in jail or in the hospital (some land owners WILL take the law into their own hands! In some states this is perfectly legal.)
So to wrap up this post lets review; 1. consider all your talents no matter how small you might think they are, 2. Don't give up, 3. Do not start a confrontation in order to sell your wares.
As long as were making money we wont be bored right? And when the day is done you can decide to move on to your next destination or if business is really good stay a while and make some friends.
"Good luck in your endevours and your travels"
-Mr. FiX & Lady DyMe
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