Friday, June 12, 2015

The Loo

Hello readers.
Welcome to the first edition of "Friday fix it", these articles will spotlight how to make your van feel a little more like home while on that shoe string road budget. Today's submission is something very essential and possibly overlooked.... the toilet! Now I know what your thinking, "but Mr. FiX, won't their be a toilet everywhere I go?" well the short answer is no. Today I'm going to teach you how to build a toilet not only for the guys but the ladies too. In our van we each have our own toilet mine is the simplest and cheapest to make ready for this......

                                                             [sorry no picture]

That's right a simple 3 liter bottle, I really don't think I need to explain the mechanics of this one.  And for the low cost of a dollar at the local Dollar Tree you really can't beat the price.

OK ladies we didn't forget you, yes you too can use the bottle method too with the edition of a funnel, but unless your a fan of "hovering" were going to make it a little easier for ya.
The first thing you'll need is a 2 gallon bucket with a lid and a funnel,

 start by cutting the tapered end off of the funnel,

 then cut a circle shape into the top of the bucket, [the depth you want the funnel to go down is up to every individual]

[sorry no picture]

 and apply a little super glue to seal it up if done right this should provide you with a basic functional sit down toilet.

Now being the guy that I am I didn't stop there, I added a "smell stopper" which is just a broken semi truck tire lug,

and to finish it off Lady DyMe noticed the handle which makes a convient place to store "toilet paper",

and there you have it, all we paid for in this project was the funnel and the glue which for us cost around three dollars, the rest we found at a truckstop.
Hopefully this project makes your van feel a little more like home.

Note: Now if it starts to smell really bad we recommend carrying in your van some disinfectant wipes (we use the ones with bleach) and some Glade deodorizer.

                                                    -Mr.FiX and Lady DyMe

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