Hello readers,
The first post on this subject should have been on a wednesday, but I need to vent! Now as much as we all want to be friendly to everyone we meet, sometimes the world just doesn't work that way, I still want to be friendly don't get me wrong but earlier this week we were pushed farther out of our comfort zone and my husband snapped, heres the story...We moved on down the road, as is our routine, pulled into an unfamiliar truck stop, and before we could even get the lay of the land, we were immediately sucked into crazytown. Before we could even stretch our legs we were approached by a local. He was initially very friendly and helpful, telling us where the shady spots were for the dogs, and giving us directions to things like the local park, Wal-Mart, and so on. Oh, if our story could have ended there, but alas, it DID NOT (insert ominous music here) He started off admiring the homemade privacy curtain we had constructed to seperate the cab of the van from the living quarters, and wanted to know if we would help him construct one. Being the people we are, we agreed to help.
So far so good right? Well thats about the time "the crazy" started, after Mr. FiX told him all the materials that would be needed and where to find them he asked if he would accompany him to make sure he bought the right things. Mr. FiX agreed after the man said it would take no more than 20 mins.
Well 3 hours later he arrived back at the truckstop with my husband and all the materials and instantly wanted him to start work, which he did after a day of cutting and sewing the job was done and all we asked for in return was the remaining needles and thread for projects of our own.
The problems all started though when he met our dogs, it wasnt that he didn't like dogs, in fact the problem was he liked our dogs too much. While out buying the supplies he also picked up treats for the dogs, again no big deal, at first he asked if it was ok to treat the dogs. So figuring this guy would be our neighbor for a while we didn't have a problem with it. The problem all started when he would give our female dog treats without getting permission, we keep our dogs or a fairly strict feeding schedule, Mr. Fix had asked him kindly to not treat the dog anymore without permission to which he was fine with, (to our faces) he the began to treat the dog any time he could when he thought we weren't looking. In the early morning of our second day here Mr. FiX noticed what was going on and got a little loud with the man saying "Dude didn't I ask not to treat our dogs without permission?" Well his response was I just wanted to make sure your dogs were getting fed. Our dogs eat better than us some days. Cut to later that day as Mr. FiX and I were taking a nap, our dogs started barking like some was to close to our space, so we yelled at the dogs to be quite as all of us do, our male dog got quiet and our female kept barking, but the bark was playful, Mr. FiX peered through the back curtains to see this man looking around to see if no one was looking as he fed our dog HOTDOGS!
At this point Mr. FiX became enraged and shot out of the back doors of the van like a bullet from a gun, "Dude, what the fuck, I thought we talked about this already?" To which he responded "Y'all need to quite abusing those dogs!" to which I responded "what are you talking about?". His response was "you guys never feed your dogs or let them out of that van." At this point Mr. Fix was about to haul off and hit the guy, but instead did the smart thing and said "c'mon babe were leaving". In response to this, the man thought the best course of action to take was to make a scene and drive off, only to come back later. Now, luckily we had witnesses to his behavior, and the truckstop manager was very understanding, giving us permission to park in a spot that isn't usually meant for vans but was much safer for all of us. Being a dog lover and owner of five himself, he knew exactly what was going on, and also let us in on something we had started to suspect, but he confirmed, the man was batshit crazy! We were not the first nor will we be the last people this man harasses at this truckstop, employees included. Everything is OK now we can sleep feeling safer tonight, the moral of this story is "Its always good to help people out, but be wary of people that show an unhealthy interest in you and yours" sometimes people want to "help" but are misleading in their intentions.
So remember folks "stay safe out their, and remember to keep your cool, it could just save your life".
-Lady DyMe & Mr. Fix
Note: The gentleman said he wanted to be a part of our blog, well here he is, AVOID HIM!