Sunday, June 7, 2015


Well readers, after searching the web for blogs similar to ours I realize what were doing is in no way new. As of now Lady DyMe and I have decided to make a schedule to regulate how and what we post on, and it should go something like this......

Mundane Monday: "How to cure boredom"
The Tuesday How To: "Really that's how you did that?"
Wednesdays Wisdom: "General Knowledge to have on the road"
Thursday Travel Tips: "If you end up at X, here's a good place to start"
Friday Fix It's: "Ways to improve your van on a road budget"
Saturday and Sunday Stories: Personal stories from "Our life in the van"

Interested yet? Keep reading and you might just learn something! Please understand we will NOT be posting everyday but we will post at least twice a week, because life on the road isn't always easy or predictable but we will always make time for you our readers.

   "On the road, remember the golden rule, Do unto others as you would have others do unto to you."
                                                                                                                 -Mr. FiX

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